Biyernes, Oktubre 21, 2011


It may not seem like I am working on my list because most of my posts lately are actually non-related to the "before I turn 25" title, but I really am. Here's my progress report:

The top news is that I am soon going to scratch  Take a yoga/pilates class off the list! I bought some vouchers from a group buying site last month and I am taking some pilates classes.  

I have previous knowledge on Pilates but that was 7 years ago, during my first sem, freshman year in college. I thought I needed some reviewing to do so I downloaded some Pilates videos from Youtube. I have been working out here at home for two weeks now.

The instructor in the videos I have downloaded is funny and inspiring. Meet the awesome Cassey Ho :
Photo from Blogilates FB page
The pilates workouts are really challenging, but she makes it so fun with her non-stop talking and the pop music, you'll just keep on doing them. It also helps that her videos are (mostly) just 10mins. long, so it's so easy to include working out in my daily schedule.

I discovered her videos in Youtube, but if you want to try them out yourself (please consult a doctor first before trying any workouts), I suggest you go to her blog. Let me know what you think, okay? :)

Second,  I have booked a flight to Laoag on January so Vigan will also happen very soon! If you have been there tips would  be greatly appreciated...

And finally,  I am finishing my first semester for MA. Just one more project to go. And yes, I actually have to go to a group meeting for that project.  Like now.

So there, I am really thrilled that everything's going well on my end. I hope you're doing great too, and of course, I would love to hear what you've achieved on your goals lately!

P.S. A dear friend of mine had just started a blog. He is a terrific writer, which he doesn't realize. If you've got some spare time, please visit his blog and give him some love. 

Thanks and have a lovely weekend!

5 komento:

  1. Great job Bee! :) I'll try some Pilates too some time soon. But for now, my fitness goal is to finish the 30-Day Shred. I'm only on day 3, so it'll still be quite a long way to go.

  2. I am happy for you girl. Something to be proud of..achieved na achieved! Bongga pilates na yan! Congrats pati sa MA gumora ka din! For my list before 26 (just wanna share), please click the link:

  3. hi bee, nice reading your writing :)

  4. Good luck with pilates!
    Always want to try it but never had the courage. I am not very flexible and lack an upper body strength..


  5. @Zeanee: hi, thanks for dropping by! :)

    @Stevia: Hi there! You can always try the easier versions. I don't have strong arms too and I have a bad wrist so I do the modified routines. :)
