Linggo, Oktubre 16, 2011

Love and other jobs

Saying what we hate about our jobs is as easy as ABC. Horrible bosses, slim paycheck, few promotional opportunities, internal politics, and the list goes on and on and on.
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.- Steve Jobs  
The quote above made perfect sense, right? We spend most of our waking hours at work, so it pretty much consumes most of our time here on Earth. If you don't like what you do, if you don't see your work as important, then that's really depressing.

Last week, a student asked me if I like what I do, if I love being a librarian and I  answered yes. She didn't ask me why but it made me think what I love about it.

  • Our library has a well-updated collection. I never run out of good books to read! yay!
  • I get a sense of satisfaction when kids thank me because I helped them with a project, or when a parent or teacher thinks that I have magic with computers whenever I help them with their technical difficulties.
  • Our department head is one great man. He is one rare specie. I don't think I can find a boss better than him.
  • My direct supervisor might stress me at times, but she is actually good at what she does.
  • I am well-paid. Enough said.
  • I don't have to go overtime and I don't have to take my work home!
  • Both our department head and my supervisor are forward thinkers. I don't have to worry about people adamant to change.
I remember reading from a book* that when you get annoyed with your partner, you should remember at least one thing that made you fell in love with that person. I guess we can also apply that to our work. Like when you wake up and have the urge to file that sick leave just because you're too lazy to go, just think of one thing that makes you want to go to work.
    For most people, work is what they do in the office or in the field. Work for me is what you devote your time to, whether it requires you to go out or not. So as the work week starts, here's my challenge to you: think about the things you love about what you do, share it on the comments box and inspire me and other people!
    I think that's Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray - Great book, you should read this!

    14 (na) komento:

    1. It is a great quote to be sure! Thanks for Following...I'm a new Follower of yours as well! Much success to you!

    2. Nice quote sis! that's why I quit my job. I was not happy working graveyard. I did field work back in the Philippines and I loved it so much but I had to leave. Sigh.

      'dropping by here sis :)

    3. I love all sayings which came from Steve Jobs, they're definitely worth keeping and sharing. I love your job as well! Being surrounded with books is a blissful feeling. I remember when I was a kid, I used to imagine how it would feel to own National Book Store. It's like reading whatever you want without limits. =)

    4. @Colleen: Thanks for dropping by! :)

      @Bechay: I hope you're happier now, whatever your work is. :D

      @Eunice: The man is a genius!:) As for being surrounded by them, yes, you're right. It's a blissful feeling. I can't get enough of them, Although I've got a lot to read in the Library, I still can't resist buying my own books too! :)

    5. I am a teacher and have wonderful kids in my class. Unfortunately, education is no longer about the kids. I used to love my job, but this year the legislators have put so much stress on us that I hate it. I want to retire as soon as I'm eligible and told my daughter to stay away from this profession. I work over ten hours a days––7:20AM-6:00PM is typical, plus I often bring work home with me. I'm not unique. We are all miserable underpaid slaves who are planning a mass exodus when we can afford it. The administrators are completely frustrated too by trying to evaluate everyone in the building FOUR times a year. Thank G-d I'm on vacation this week, but I also have massive work to complete while off!


    6. Love the quote you shared! Thank you so much, this post really inspired me. :)

      Anyway, I'm currently a fresh Marketing Management graduate. However like my parents, I have to take the business path. I love doing business and being an entrepreneur though. I had ventured into several online businesses myself and I enjoy it very much. The only thing is, I'm not sure if I'll like our family business. But, I guess I have to try to find out if I'll enjoy it.

      <3 Sumi

    7. Hi Bee! It's Colleen...just thought I'd drop in and say hello! Hope you are doing well Hon!

    8. @joyce: That is terrible. We also got some (worse) issues like that here in our country.

      @Sumi: Wow, Congratulations!:) I hope you get to enjoy your family business too. You should definitely give it a try. :)

      @Colleen: Hi! I hope you and your wonderful kids are doing well too! :D

    9. I love the quote but I can't relate to it (fortunately). :)

      You're a librarian? OMG. I would kill just to have your job.

    10. hi bee just followed you and thanks for the visit ^_^

      I love this line "that when you get annoyed with your partner, you should remember at least one thing that made you fell in love with that person"
      I'll have to keep that in mind from now on lolz...

      keep blogging ^_^

    11. @Aria: Haha! I thought you don't want to work? Being a librarian is a lot of work.

      @m@noy en nin@y: Thanks. I followed you back! :)

      That book (Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray) is really good. Lots of good tips in there!

    12. Oh, I fact, I got three and I'm having so much fun. There are bad days, of course.. but I really love what I do. :)

      I love books and being surrounded by them would even make it better. I'm fond of administration/organization/cataloguing, etc... If only I had the time to fit it into my sched, I'd definitely work as a part-time librarian. ^_^

    13. Oh, I'm sorry! I assumed you don't wanna work because you said "I love the quote but I can't relate to it (fortunately)"

      Wow, three? You are one hard-working lady! :D

    14. My (mean) family calls it ADHD. LOL. I can't function if I'm doing just one task. Still, I want your job. :)
