Sabado, Setyembre 10, 2011

How do you fit reading in your busy schedule?

In one of the blogs I recently followed, I've seen some comments saying they are experiencing reader's block. They do have books but haven't read one in months. Given my work, I can always find a very gripping book that would take me out of reading slump. Aside from that, I  believe there are just too many great books out there and I just don't have enough time.

Which brings me to my question, how do you squeeze in reading on your busy schedules? I've got a goal to finish 100 books with more than 250 pages (no.10 in the list) in two years. But until now, I haven't finished my first book, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

I would love to get your ideas so leave your comments down there, thanks! :)

7 komento:

  1. Hey Bee, I think this can help :)
    A commitment to set aside 1 hour each day to do what you want-all for yourself.
    I've been following a 1 hour ALL ME time mantra and by doing so I have tried a lot of new stuff and I realized that I am now reading and writing more.

    Try it, let me know if it helps :)

  2. Hi, Katrina! I think that's doable, I would try that one. Thanks for the tip. :)

    Tried to follow your blog using GFC but can't seem to find your button...

  3. ^heya bee,thanks for following me :) lets keep each other posted..and let me know the authors you are following :)

  4. I used to have the problem when I was still working. I was so disappointed that it seemed I couldn't have enough time to read. Until I realized I could read while in transit. Hehehe!

    So I did just that. I'd bring a book with me and was able to finish quite a few pages (you know how horrible traffic is in EDSA). And since I was living alone that time, I wasn't always in any hurry to get home so I always rode the bus. =)

  5. Haha! I read while in transit too. Cab, Jeepney, Bus, MRT, name it! I even do it in tricycle sometimes. :))

    My itouch is my new bestfriend when it comes to reading in transit. :D

  6. Right now I read whenever my baby's asleep. She used to sleep a lot, not as much now though. But if the story's really REALLY good, I sacrifice some much-needed sleep too to finish the book. Addiction. Haha.

  7. That I can't do. I love zzzZs as much as I love books. Hehe. :)
